Everyday science

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The science of gym class

more than just dodgeball and sweatpants
Explains how numerous science concepts are at work during gym class, looking at forces and energy, muscles, balance, and more; and provides instructions for testing some of these concepts.
Cover image of The science of gym class

Changing forms

Describes differentkinds of materials and uses simple experiments to explain how their shape or state of being can be changed.

Fully charged

Describes how electricity is generated, harnessed, and used, and explains the difference between electricity, including static electricity and electronics.
Cover image of Fully charged

More science of you

In this sequel to The Science of you, the reader explores more mysteries of the human body.

Science at the mall

Explores the science and technology at the mall, including how light lets you see yourself in a mirror, and how radio signals are used in mall security systems.

Science at the grocery

Explores the science and technology at the grocery store, including technologies that keep food fresh and the use of lasers and bar codes.

Science at the airport

Explores the science and technology of air transportation, including technologies such as x-ray security devices and the use radar for air traffic control. Explains how lift allows airplanes to fly.


A simple introduction to a wide variety of animals.

Changing forms

Describes differentkinds of materials and uses simple experiments to explain how their shape or state of being can be changed.


Describes different kinds of magnets and uses simple experiments to explain how magnetism works.


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