Dodd, Mead wonder books

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Wonders of goats

Discusses the lore, types, uses and characteristics of goats, their relationship to man, and their care as pets.

Wonders of animal disguises

Discusses various ways animals use mimicry, protective coloring, and other camouflage in their daily fight for survival.

Wonders of animal migration

The author treats the migrational habits of "birds, from robins to penguins, bees, ants, butterflies, bats, caribou, fishes, turtles, seals and whales on their annual shuttles"--Publisher's note.

Wonders of the dinosaur world

Explains how information about prehistoric times is gleaned from fossils, describes a variety of dinosaurs, and lists museums where large displays of dinosaur fossils are located.

Wonders of mathematics

Discusses some of the number systems over the centuries, terms of measurement that have come into use, and basic mathematical concepts.

Wonders of hummingbirds

Wonders of stones

Describes various types of rocks, how they are formed and quarried, and their uses in ancient and modern times.

Wonders of hummingbirds

Wonders of stones

Describes various types of rocks, how they are formed and quarried, and their uses in ancient and modern times.

Wonders of ponies

Discusses the characteristics, history, breeds, lore, and uses of ponies.


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