poison frogs

Topical Term
poison frogs

Poison dart frogs up close

An introduction to poison dart frogs, looking at their physical characteristics, life cycles, and homes.

Deadly poison dart frogs

Text and photographs provide an introduction to poison dart frogs, discussing what they look like, where they live, what they eat, how they defend themselves, and their toxin.

Poison slimers

poison dart frogs, sea cucumbers, and more
Introduces readers to animals who use poisonous slime as a defense mechanism to stay safe from dangerous predators.

Fierce frogs

Text and illustrations describe different types of poisonous frogs.
Cover image of Fierce frogs

The poison dart frog

Learn the ways man has used this amphibian, which is one of the most toxic creatures on earth, for good and for evil. Also discover its lifecycle, where it lives, how it creates its poison, what it eats, and what eats it.
Cover image of The poison dart frog

Poison dart frog

There are about 180 different types of poison dart frogs. Learn about these poisonous amphibians.
Cover image of Poison dart frog

Poison dart frogs up close

Provides an up-close look at poison dart frogs.

Deadly poison dart frogs

Describes the physical characteristics, behavior, and habitat of poison dart frogs, which look small and harmless but are actually deadly creatures.

Fierce frogs

Introduces readers to certain species of frogs that, while considered "cute," harbor poisons that can nevertheless be deadly.

Look out for the poison dart frog!

The poison dart frog might be tiny, but it s packed with venom and ready to kill. This book introduces readers to the anatomy, habitat, and behavior of poison dart frogs. Readers will also enjoy spotlights on key species, including the golden poison dart frog, which can kill 10 people with its venom! Photographs capture the brilliant color in these venomous critters, enticing readers to turn the page. Information-rich text and fun fact boxes provide a fascinating and dynamic reading experience. Detailed Table of Contents, Fact Boxes, For Further Information Section, Glossary, Index, Web Sites.


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