
Topical Term

The Loch Ness monster

Explores the mystery of Scotland's Loch Ness monster.

A Halloween mask for Monster

Monster tries on girl, boy, cat, and dog masks at Halloween but since they are all too scary he decides to go as himself.

Liza Lou and the Yeller Belly Swamp

With her quick thinking Liza Lou manages to outwit all the haunts, gobblygooks, witches, and devils in the Yeller Belly Swamp.

The twisted witch and other spooky riddles

Dozens of riddles feature witches, vampires, werewolves, ghosts, and other spooky creatures.

Billy Clikk

creatch battler
Twelve-year-old Billy discovers that his parents' extermination business is really a cover for something a whole lot more sinister.

The mysterious woods of Whistle Root

Eleven-year-old Carly Bean Bitters, an orphan, can only sleep during the day and feels very lonely until she meets a rat, Lewis, and sets off on an adventure to figure out what is threatening the woods and its inhabitants.

The legend of the Jersey Devil

Relates the origins of the Jersey Devil, a monstrous creature that has reportedly haunted the Pine Barrens region of New Jersey since 1735 menacing townspeople, worrying livestock, and causing all manner of ills.

Weird-but-true facts about scary things

Describes an assortment of unusual facts pertaining to a variety of frightening and nerve-wracking topics. Includes full-color illustrations, a glossary, and further reading sources.

Tartok the ice beast

Tom tries to defeat Tartok the Ice Beast in order to save his kingdom from Malvel's evil plans.

Stealth the ghost panther

The Dark Wizard Malvel's last Beast, Stealth the Ghost Panther, is turning all of Avantia's citizens into evildoers. Tom races to retrieve the final piece of the amulet from Stealth's collar before it's too late.


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