Protecting food chains

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Ocean food chains

Text and illustrations describe an ocean food chain and provide facts about bacteria, plants, and animals in an ocean ecosystem.

Mountain food chains

Text and illustrations describe a mountain food chain and provide facts about plants, bacteria, and animals in a mountain ecosystem.

Rain forest food chains

Explores the characteristics of a rain forest environment and outlines the many types of food chains that compose the larger food webs of these regions. Details various threats to rain forests' safety and discusses what is being done to protect them. Includes full-color photographs and a glossary.

Grassland food chains

An overview of grassland food chains featuring color photos and illustrations. Discusses the producers, consumers, and decomposers in these habitats. Describes what people do that harms grassland food chains and recommends actions for individuals to help protect them.

Desert food chains

Provides an introduction to desert food chains and habitats, looks at where deserts are located, identifies producers, secondary consumers, primary consumers, and decomposers in desert food chains and webs, explains how humans are harming desert food chains, and discusses what can be done to protect deserts.

River food chains

Text and illustrations describe a river food chain and provide facts about bacteria, plants, and animals in a river ecosystem.
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