General Motors brought the first factory robot to life in 1961. The 4,000-pound assembly-line robot was named Unimate. It proved it could build cars twice as fast as humans could! In this children?s tech title, the behind-the-scenes robots that make factory work fly get much-deserved attention.
Examines the life and accomplishments of Henry Ford who, among other things, is credited with inventing the assembly line, which changed not only the automotive industry but all industries.
IQ Parrot takes you down the Ford Mustang assembly line to see how people and machines work together to transform giant rolls of steel into gleaming new cars.
Henry Ford, the creator of the Model T automobile, visits Santa Claus at the North Pole and, as he watches the elves making toys, he decides to use the same assembly line method to manufacture his automobile.
Explores how the invention of the automated assembly line by Henry Ford, which he created to put together his affordable Model T automobile, transformed America and the manufacturing industry.