Great inventions

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Explores the history of plastics, introducing plastic inventors Alexander Parkes and John Hyatt, describing the ways plastics have changed people's daily lives, and discussing plastic's future. Includes photos, sidebars, a time line, and a glossary.

The phonograph

Presents an overview of the invention of the phonograph, in simple text with illustrations, tracing its development from Thomas Alva Edison's machine that played and recorded sound, to the technological advancements of the twentieth century, describing how it impacted popular culture.

Navigational aids

An examination of the origins, history, development, and impact of the various navigational aids humans have used through the centuries.


Examines the origins, history, and development of the computer, and discusses its impact on society.

The steam engine

Examines the history of the steam engine, discussing its development, modern-day use, and continuing evolution.

Radio and television

Examines radio and television technology in relation to earlier inventions of the telephone and telegraph, the impact of radio on the people, early broadcast personalities, and advances in satellite and digital services.

The automobile

Chronicles the history of the car and discusses the role Henry Ford played in its development and popularity, the impact of the car on industry and business, and such topics as auto safety and hybrids.


Chronicles the history of transportation by looking at how successive inventions changed the way people traveled around the world, from the development of constructed bridges in 10,000 B.C.E., to the creation of the jumbo jet in 1969. Includes a time line and a glossary.


Traces the history of discovery in the field of space exploration, highlighting major inventions from the rocket in 1232 to the space telescope in 1990, and includes a time line and a glossary.


Traces the history of scientific discovery, looking at how major inventions, ranging from porcelain in 850 to nuclear power in 1945, became accepted parts of life. Includes a time line and a glossary.


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