While trying to recover a sacred stone belonging to an Indian village, Indiana Jones and his two companions become prisoners of a ruthless sect dedicated to the worship of the evil goddess Kali.
With a good chance to become state high school shot put champion, Indian is gripped by both a determination to win and the fear of doing so when he is offered a bribe to throw the meet or else.
During a summer as a lifeguard at an exclusive resort hotel, ambitious sixteen-year-old Max falls for wealthy Annabel and learns something about other people's limitations and his own.
Sixteen-year-old Reed, the leader of a club with a reputation for bucking adult authority, makes a gesture of defiance by taking his friends camping in the Adirondacks, only to find his band collapsing into dissension and violence.
While trying to recover a sacred stone belonging to an Indian village, Indiana Jones and his two companions become prisoners of a ruthless sect dedicated to the worship of the evil goddess Kali.
At his mother's death, seventeen-year-old Garrett is invited to live with his father in Los Angeles, where a lifestyle that at first seems simply mysterious turns into a nightmare.
At his mother's death, seventeenyear-old Garrett is invited to live with his father in Los Angeles, where a lifestyle that at first seems simply mysterious turns into a nightmare.