lincoln, abraham

lincoln, abraham

Gettysburg Address

Presents an account of the Gettysburg Address and the events that led up to the historic speech, and includes six related activities.

The Emancipation Proclamation and the end of slavery in America

'The Emancipation Proclamation and the end of slavery in America' introduces readers to Abraham Lincoln's famous document that helped end slavery in the United States.

Lincoln and Kennedy

a pair to compare
Text and illustrations look at the lives of United States presidents Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy.

I am Abraham Lincoln

Follows Abraham Lincoln from his childhood to the presidency, showing how he spoke up about fairness and eventually led the country to abolish slavery.

A. Lincoln and me

With the help of his teacher, a gangling young boy realizes that he not only shares his birthday and physical traits with Abraham Lincoln but is like him in other ways as well.

John Wilkes Booth

beyond the grave
A biography of John Wilkes Booth that presents the argument that Booth was never captured, but escaped and lived for decades continuing his acting career.

Conversations with Lincoln

little-known stories from those who met America's 16th president
Presents stories from people who met and spoke with Abraham Lincoln. Focuses on Lincoln's kindness, patience, honesty, and compassion.

How Kate Warne saved President Lincoln

a story about the nation's first woman detective
Tells how in 1856 Kate Warne joined the Pinkerton Agency as America's first women detective and helped foil a plot to assassinate President Lincoln.

A. Lincoln

a biography

The presidency of Abraham Lincoln

the triumph of freedom and unity
Examines the life and presidency of Abraham Lincoln, and discusses world events during his time in office that influenced his decisions.


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