lincoln, abraham

lincoln, abraham

Mr. Lincoln's boys

being the mostly true adventures of Abraham Lincoln's trouble-making sons, Tad and Willie
An illustrated story recounting the adventures of Abraham Lincoln and his two sons that focuses on the years Lincoln was President.

A. Lincoln and me

With the help of his teacher, a young boy realizes that he not only shares his birthday and similar physical appearance with Abraham Lincoln, but that he is like him in other ways as well.

The Emancipation Proclamation

Chronicles the events leading to the January 1, 1863, Emancipation Proclamation signed by Abraham Lincoln that declared all the slaves in Confederate states free.

The assassination of Abraham Lincoln

Presents a brief profile of Abraham Lincoln and the plot to assassinate him in April 1865.

Lincoln's legacy

Abigail and her friends travel to the past on an urgent mission when their time-traveling teacher returns from the mid-nineteenth century to report that President Abraham Lincoln is thinking about quitting, leaving the issue of slavery unresolved.

America in the time of Abraham Lincoln

1815 to 1869
Describes the lives of President Abraham Lincoln, Civil War soldiers, and typical American people who lived in the United States from 1815 to 1869.

Abraham Lincoln

A simple biography of the Illinois lawyer who served the country as president through the difficulties of the Civil War.

Grace's letter to Lincoln

On the eve of the 1860 presidential election, as war clouds gather and the South threatens to secede, eleven-year-old Grace decides to help Abraham Lincoln get elected by writing and advising him to grow a beard.

The story of Abraham Lincoln

president for the people
A biography of the president who preserved the American Union during the Civil War.

Learning about honesty from the life of Abraham Lincoln

Extolls the virtue of honesty through examples in the life of Abraham Lincoln.


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