
Geographic Name

The American dream

stories from the heart of our nation
Journalist Dan Rather presents the stories of more than thirty everyday American men and women who have pursued their dreams of liberty, happiness, family, fame, education, innovation, and service.

Abraham Lincoln

the observations of John G. Nicolay and John Hay
Presents a collection of observations of Abraham Lincoln by his former White House secretaries, John G. Nicolay and John Hay, who describe Lincoln's character, actions, and reputation while in office.

"Those damn horse soldiers"

true tales of the Civil War cavalry
Explores the role cavalry soldiers played in the Civil War, profiling some of the cavalry's more famous and lesser-known personalities and recounting the experiences on the battlefield.

Strange battles of the Civil War

Surveys twenty-three battles of the American Civil War, discussing each battle's key maneuvers, soldiers, generals, and outcome.

The Civil War 100

the stories behind the most influential battles, people and events in the war between the states
Contains brief essays that describe and rank the one hundred most significant leaders, battles, and events of the American Civil War by order of influence, as selected by the author.

Founding myths

stories that hide our patriotic past
The author examines thirteen well-known tales of America's early Revolutionary history and exposes the myths surrounding Paul Revere's famous ride, the truth about Molly Pitcher, and surprising information about Thomas Jefferson.

Lewis and Clark among the grizzlies

legend and legacy in the American West
Explores the impact Lewis and Clark's Corps of Discovery's expedition to the American West had on grizzly lore and separated the legends from the realities of grizzly bears.

The Oxford project

Presents black-and-white photographs of residents from the small Iowa community of Oxford, taken in 1984 and again two decades later, with accompanying first-person narratives.

It happened in the Revolutionary War

Tells the stories of thirty events, both familiar and lesser-known, that played a role in the course of the Revolutionary War.

It happened in the Civil War

remarkable events that shaped history
Presents thirty true stories about little-known or unique events that occurred in the North and South during the Civil War, from the making of gunpowder out of urine, to the choice of an innocent man to be executed in the the place of his brother.


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