Examines the life and career of Theodore Roosevelt and discusses his childhood and bouts with asthma, his early involvement in politics, Spanish-American War, presidency, and the famous teddy bear named after him.
Presents a short biography of John F. Kennedy and discusses his early childhood, military service, entrance into politics, marriage, presidency, Cuban Missile Crisis, assassination, and legacy.
Examines the life of George Washington, a military leader during the American Revolution who went on to be named the first president of the new country. Presented in graphic novel form.
After finding out there has never been a female U.S. president, Grace decides to run in her school's mock election, where she learns about the American electoral system and sets out to be the best person for the job even though her opponent, Thomas, seems to be winning all the boys' votes.
Presents a look at the life of President George Washington, in simple text with illustrations, providing a humorous account of how he tried to avoid taking on the role after serving in the U.S. military during the revolution.
As a young boy, "Teedie" Roosevelt was frequently ill, but worked hard to become strong and fit while also avidly reading and pursuing his love of natural history.
The shortest kid in the second grade, James Moody, also known as Stink, learns all about the shortest president of the United States, James Madison, when they celebrate Presidents' Day at school.