Hofer, Charles

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Veterans Day

Explores the ways people celebrate this special day and similar holidays in countries around the world.


Discusses how this holiday began and the spooky ways people have fun with it.

Silent but deadly plants

"Go for a hike in the woods and you're sure to see a wide range of plants. Many colorful flowers and fruits seem perfectly harmless. But don't be fooled by these beautiful plants. Some plants eat bugs, and some are poisonous, deadly enough to sicken or even kill a person! Get ready to explore some of the world's quietest killers"--Provided by publisher.

Tiny but deadly critters

"The world is crawling with all sorts of bugs and other little critters. But don't be fooled by their small size. Many of these creatures are quite dangerous. Some are armed with powerful poison that can kill a person. Others carry and spread deadly diseases. Brace yourself to discover some of the world's tiniest killers"--Provided by publisher.

Cuddly but deadly animals

"The world is full of furry, cuddly-looking animals. They often seem harmless at first glance. But don't try to snuggle with these . . . creatures. Many of them can be very dangerous. Some have razor-sharp claws and teeth. Others are incredibly strong. Still others are poisonous or carry deadly diseases"--Provided by publisher.

Adorable but deadly creatures

"With big eyes and ears and colorful bodies, a lot of creatures in nature look very cute. But don't be fooled by their . . . appearance. When provoked, these animals can easily injure or kill a person. Their defense mechanisms like poison and sharp teeth and claws can turn them from darling to deadly"--Provided by publisher.


antivenom and a global health crisis

Earth's biosphere

Looks at the Earth's biosphere, discussing different biomes, climage change, how humans influence the Earth's biosphere and more.

Earth?s biosphere

Readers will learn how people affect the biosphere and how life and energy are maintained in the biosphere.
Cover image of Earth?s biosphere

Washed away by floods

Explains what floods are, how and where they occur, and looks at flood safety tips.
Cover image of Washed away by floods


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