Retells, in graphic novel format, Mary Shelley's classic tale of a monster, assembled by a scientist from parts of dead bodies, who develops a mind of his own as he learns to loathe himself and hate his creator.
Discusses the creation of Frankenstein by Mary Shelley and depicts how the monster evolved over time. Includes anecdotes about the writer and her history, photos, an index, and sources for additional information.
While on a sleepover, Joe and Sam come face-to-face with Frankenstein's monster, and must use their time-warping power to take him back to his nineteenth-century creator.
A graphic novel adaptation of Mary Shelley's "Frankenstein," in which a creature assembled by a scientist from parts of dead bodies learns to loathe himself and vows to destroy the life of his creator.
A retelling of Mary Shelley's classic novel that describes Victor Frankenstein's meeting with the radical atheist and poet Percy Bysshe Shelley at Oxford and recruiting "resurrection men" to deliver fresh bodies to secret laboratory, where the monster is created.