Greenberger, Robert

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Suicide bombers

Provides information about suicide bombers, discussing the history of suicide terrorism, the emergence of suicide bombers in the Middle East, and the recruiting and training of bombers, andconsidering whether suicide bombs are effective.


the living landscape
An introduction to deserts, the biome that receives the least precipitation, looking at different kinds of deserts, and discussing desert life, and global warming and its effects.

Christina Aguilera

A brief biography of Christina Aguilera that describes her childhood, professional accomplishments, musical style, and other related topics. Includes a time line and discography.

Darwin and the theory of evolution

Examines the life and accomplishments of Charles Darwin, the nineteenth-century English scientist responsible for advancing theories about the survival of species and the origins of life, and includes a time line, and a selection of primary source transcriptions and images.

Lou Gehrig

Discusses the personal life and baseball career of the famous Yankee first baseman, Lou Gehrig.

Hellboy II

the golden army : a novel
Hellboy, with his team from the Bureau for Paranormal Research and Defense and girlfriend Liz Sherman, travels between the realms and faces his destiny after a truce between humankind and the invisible realm is broken and a merciless leader awakens a horde of creatures.

Gus Grissom

the tragedy of Apollo 1
Presents a biography of Gus Grissom, following the path he took from the Air Force, to test pilot, to one of the first group of astronauts in the United States' newly formed space program, and discussing his death ina fire while testing the Apollo craft that would have taken him to the moon.

Wilt Chamberlain

Offers a brief introduction to the life and career of professional basketball player Wilt Chamberlain.

Juan Ponce de Le?n

the exploration of Florida and the search for the fountain of youth
Describes the life of the Spanish explorer who first came to the New World with Columbus, went on to become governor of Puerto Rico, and later came to Florida looking for the Fountain of Youth.

Frequently asked questions about loneliness

Provides information and guidance on loneliness, discussing such topics as causes, symptoms, depression, and how to deal with the problem.


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