little bighorn, battle of the, mont., 1876

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little bighorn, battle of the, mont., 1876

The journey of Crazy Horse

a Lakota history
Drawing on firsthand research and his culture's rich oral tradition, Joseph Marshall, himself a Lakota Indian, reveals many aspects of Crazy Horse's life, including details of the powerful vision that convinced Crazy Horse of his duty to help preserve the Lakota homeland.

Killing Custer

the Battle of the Little Bighorn and the fate of the Plains Indians
A nonfictional account, from the Native American point of view, of Custer's attack on the Plains Indians under the leadership of Sitting Bull in 1876.

Little Big Horn remembered

the untold story of Custer's last stand
Presents eyewitness recollections of Native Americans who participated in the Battle of Little Bighorn on June 25, 1876, the legendary clash between Indians and the U.S. Cavalry led by Lt. Colonel George Armstrong Custer; and includes maps, photogrpahs, reproductions, and drawings.

The Last Stand

Custer, Sitting Bull, and the Battle of the Little Bighorn
In this riveting narrative, celebrated historian Nathaniel Philbrick reveals Custer and Sitting Bull as never before, creating an unforgettable portrait of two leaders as they embarked on a collision course that reached its violent climax on a lonely rise now known as Last Stand Hill.--publisher's description.

Read about Crazy Horse

Discusses the life of Crazy Horse, an Oglala Sioux who grew up to become the leader of his people in the fight against the U.S. government.

It is a good day to die

Indian eyewitnesses tell the story of the Battle of the Little Bighorn
A series of eyewitness accounts of the 1876 Battle of Little Bighorn and the defeat of General Custer as told by Native American participants in the battle.

Crazy Horse

American Indian leader
Presents a brief biography of Crazy Horse, the Oglala Sioux chief who fought for the rights of Native American people and who led the defeat of General Custer at Little Big Horn in 1876.

Little Bighorn

winning the battle, losing the war
Describes the Battle at Little Bighorn in southeastern Montana between Custer and his Seventh Cavalry and the Sioux and Cheyenne tribal members. The U.S. Army was defeated by the tribes and represented the "symbolic peak" of Sioux military power and freedom." Is accompanied by black-and-white photographs and several colorful illustrations.

The Battle of Little Bighorn

A description of the 1876 Battle of the Little Bighorn, in which Sioux Indians defeated General Custer's forces, as well as the events leading up to the confrontation and its impact afterwards.


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