Gaia, the fearless teenage daughter of an anti-terrorist agent, finds that someone wants her dead and is ready to make it happen--but Gaia wants to do one thing before she dies: have sex with Sam. If only he didn't have a girlfriend.
Teenage Gaia, born without the fear gene, gets herself into more and more danger when she consistently chooses "dare" in a game of Truth or Dare with Ed and Mary, who hope the game will tell them some about Gaia's mysterious past.
Teenage Gaia, born without the fear gene, is unsure about Sam's feelings after their encounter in his dorm room, and when Mary is attacked and almost raped, Gaia's fearlessness becomes an asset.
As Thanksgiving approaches, teenage Gaia, born without the fear gene, discovers that foster mother Ella has made unsavory plans for her with a doctor, and Gaia and Sam get closer as his relationship with Heather begins to wane.
Gaia, a girl born without the fear gene, is asked out on a date by David, a handsome and mysterious young man, while in the meantime, someone is slashing young blond girls in a nearby park.
Worried about Gaia's depression following the death of her friend Mary, and convinced she is in danger, Tom steps up his surveillance in order to protect his daughter from harm as well as Loki's machinations.