Perspectives book

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Search and rescue

Rick must deal with his own fears and insecurities when he sets out as part of a rescue team searching for a small boy lost on a mountain.


Dan, upset about his family's move from the farm to the suburbs, has the idea that he will never be able to make new friends, but he learns how wrong he is when disaster strikes the neighborhood.

Dirt bike adventure

Testing their bikes in the desert, three friends help a stranded family and then find their own plans interrupted by a deadly snake.

The Winchester connection

Hank and "the Brain" decide to investigate a series of strange occurrences at the famous Winchester Mystery House.

Nightmare at Danger Island

Jane and Laurie accept a job cataloging the contents of the mansion on Danger Island, but fear sets in when a storm cuts them off from the mainland and rooms and walls start to turn and move.

Hot cargo

Ellie, Brad, and Rick, working for the Seaside Dock Company, find themselves in danger when the "Princess Maru" arrives with a load of smugglers.

Secrets of the rain forest

Steve Marshall, working with a group of archaeologists in Prima Vera, is challenged both mentally and physically when someone tries to steal Mayan treasures.

Deadly oasis

Two young scientists join forces with the supervisor of the town's water supply to try to solve the mystery of what is causing the strange death and malformation of animals in their small town.


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