Baker, Barbara

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Third Grade is Trouble

Liza is convinced third grade is going to be great until she gets to school that first day and everything starts going wrong.

Staying with grandmother

Clair feels less homesick after Grandmother reads a favorite story and introduces a new friend.

One Saturday afternoon

Members of a bear family have a busy day baking bread, making pictures, eating crayons, and eating the bread.

The William problem

Liza hates third grade because she is separated from her best friend and she has mean Mrs. Rumford as her teacher, until she begins to make new friends.

Third grade is terrible

Liza is convinced third grade is going to be great until she gets to school that first day and everything starts going wrong.

Digby and Kate 1,2,3

Digby the dog and Kate the cat are the best of friends and even if they don't always see things the same way, they do agree that being together is the most fun of all.

Third grade is terrible

Liza is convinced third grade is going to be great until she gets to school that first day and everything starts going wrong.

One Saturday morning

One Saturday a family enjoys such activities as getting up one by one, going to the park, and eating spaghetti for lunch.

Digby and Kate again

Digby the dog and Kate the cat share four adventures: hunting, bicycling, letter-writing, and raking the leaves.

One Saturday evening

by Barbara Baker ; pictures by Kate Duke
On a Saturday evening, the members of a bear family busy themselves with cleaning up the kitchen, taking baths, and reading.


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