bush, george w

bush, george w

George W. Bush

first president of the new century
A biography of the former Texas governor who was elected President in the much-contested presidential race in 2000.

America speaks out

collected essays from dissident writers

American theocracy

the peril and politics of radical religion, oil, and borrowed money in the 21st century
Argues that an inept and weakly led coalition that is dominated by religious zealotry is threatening the future of America and losing the respect of other countries.

George W. Bush

the family business
Presents a brief biography of President George W. Bush, covering his early life, tracing his political career, and including information from his first run for Congress to his presidential campaign in 2000.

George W. Bush

A biography of the forty-third president of United States which discusses his personal life, education, and political career.

President George W. Bush

our forty-third president
Profiles the life and career of George W. Bush through the presidential election of 2000.

The election of 2000 and the administration of George W. Bush

Chronicles the presidential election of 2000 and presents primary documents from George W. Bush's administration.

George W. Bush

forty-third president, 2001-present
A brief biography of George W. Bush, forty-third president of the United States, in simple text with illustrations, describing his childhood, education, family, and achievements as president.

America's leaders

the war on terrorism
Discusses the leadership of George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and many other powerful political and military players following the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.

The disputed presidential election of 2000

a history and reference guide
Provides reference tools on the controversial 2000 presidential election, including an overview, chronology, annotated bibliography, primary documents, biographies, vote totals, and discussion of the Electoral College, political and legal issues, and the election's long-term significance.


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