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Escape from Eden

Two teenagers living in a fundamentalist compound bond together to escape and stop the preacher from his criminal acts.
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Pilgrim's wilderness

a true story of faith and madness on the Alaska frontier
Presents the true story of Papa Pilgrim, his wife, and their fifteen children, who were seen as a good Christian family when they first showed up at the Alaska frontier outpost of McCarthy. Explores Pilgrim's past and his possible connection to the Kennedy assassination, as well as the state of Pilgrim's family and town as they became captive to his sociopathic tendencies.

Salvation city

Thirteen-year-old Cole Vining is rescued from an orphanage after the death of his parents, who died during the flu pandemic that claimed the lives of people throughout the world, and is taken in by a evangelical pastor and his wife, but Cole struggles to feel as though he fits into life in Salvation City, Indiana, where his adoptive parents tell Cole that his biological parents are condemned to Hell for not being Christians.

Pilgrim's wilderness

a true story of faith and madness on the Alaska Frontier
Explores the true story of the family of "Papa Pilgrim" and his fifteen children, who moved to Alaska from a rich background in Texas, and at first seemed like any other American. As his new neighbors slowly found out, however, Papa Pilgrim turned out to have been somewhat insane, with connections to the FBI, the Kennedy assassination, and movie stars--and he may have been leading his family as captives of his own brand of cult.
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