The Raven cycle

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Blue lily, lily blue

Blue and the Raven boys continue their search for the tomb of Glendower, the ancient Welsh king, as well as for Blue's mother, who has disappeared underground in search of her former lover.

The dream thieves

(The Raven Cycle # 2)
Ronan Lynch, one of the "raven boys" from Aglionby Academy, can take things out of his dreams and into waking life. This power could prove useful in the raven boys' search for the burial site of a dead Welsh king named Glendower, who they think sailed to America a long time ago. However, now that Ronan's secret power is being used more often, a dark enemy had learned about it, and plans to use it for his own gain.

The Raven Boys

Though she is from a family of clairvoyants, Blue Sargent's only gift seems to be that she makes other people's talents stronger, and when she meets Gansey, one of the Raven Boys from the expensive Aglionby Academy, she discovers that he has talents of his own--and that together their talents are a dangerous mix.
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