race awareness

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race awareness

Articulate while Black

Barack Obama, language, and race in the U.S.
Discusses the connections between politics, language, and race.

The racial healing handbook

practical activities to help you challenge privilege, confront systemic racism & engage in collective healing
This handbook "offers powerful and practical tools to help you explore the history of racism, challenge stereotypes, and manage the stress and remorse that result from living in an unequal worlds. You'll understand your own racial identity, navigate daily and past experiences of racism, and examine ways racism affects all aspects of life-- from work to family to relationships. FInally, you'll discover how you can fight for racial justice, be an ally, and forge the building blocks needed to create a community of healing."--Cover.

It's test day, Tiger Turcotte

Already so worried about the big second grade test that his stomach is upset, seven-year-old Tiger Turcotte, whose parents are African American, Meherrin Indian, and Hispanic, gets stuck on the question about race.
Cover image of It's test day, Tiger Turcotte

The black notebooks

an interior journey
Reflections from an African-American woman on her experiences with racial prejudice from both the white and African-American cultures.
Cover image of The black notebooks

All you can ever know

a memoir
"[Nicole] Chung investigates the mysteries and complexities of her transracial adoption in this chronicle of unexpected family for anyone who has struggled to figure out where they belong"--OCLC.
Cover image of All you can ever know

Little sisters, listen up!

a message of hope for girls growing up in poverty, racism, and despair
Ruby Asugha draws on her own experiences growing up in a poor, inner-city neighborhood to offer young women the motivation and inspiration needed to rise above their circumstances and make the most out of life.
Cover image of Little sisters, listen up!

Let's talk about race

The author introduces the concept of race as only one component in an individual's or nation's "story.".
Cover image of Let's talk about race

On race

34 conversations
A collection of interviews on race from such major thinkers as bell hooks, Judith Butler, Cornel West, and Noam Chomsky, who probe the historical origins, social constructions, and lived realities of systemic racism along political and economic lines.

Can I touch your hair?

poems of race, mistakes, and friendship

Hands around the world

365 ways to encourage cultural awareness and global respect
Presents a variety of games and other activities to promote awareness of different cultures around the world.


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