While working on the lobster boats in his Nova Scotia town, thirteen-year-old Lauchie hauls up an old crock which hides a letter that sends him on a quest for treasure that was hidden long ago.
While going through the possessions of a deceased guest who owed them money, the mistress of the inn and her son find a treasure map that leads them to a pirate's fortune.
As the epic Paramount War ends, Monkey D. Luffy, who has the ability to stretch like rubber, reflects on the trouble he got into with Ace and Sabo and tries to deal with the loss of his brother.
Wiglaf joins the other students of Dragon Slayers' Academy in searching the Dark Forest for the Cave of Doom, which supposedly contains the gold of the dead dragon Seetha.
Monkey D. Luffy, a young man with the power to stretch like rubber, rushes to escape Impel Down to save the life of his brother, Ace, who is scheduled for execution.
London sixteen-year-old Danny Temple and friend Omar use their computer and parkour skills to elude pursuers as they follow clues in an Arabic manuscript to the mysterious cliffs of Bandiagara in sub-Saharan Africa seeking an ancient treasure.
Monkey D. Luffy, an aspiring pirate who lost the ability to swim when he gained the power to stretch like rubber, explores Long Ring Long Land with his crew, and contemplates accepting a challenge from the Foxy Pirates.