The library of social activism

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Working together against gun violence

Addresses the problem of gun violence, how it affects all of us, and how we can be a part of the solution.

Working together against drinking and driving

Examines the effects of drinking on driving and suggests ways you can help fight drunk driving.

Working together against violence against women

Explores the issue of violence against women and discusses ways to become involved locally and nationally to stop its occurrence.

Working together against crime

Examines the problem of crime, why people commit crimes, and ways that teens can get involved in crime prevention to make their communities safer.

Working together against sexual harassment

Examines sexual harassment in school and the workplace and discusses ways to become involved locally and nationally to stop its occurrence.

Working together against human rights violations

Explains that not everyone is given the basic rights that all should have. Suggests how you can help to make the world a better place for all.

Working together against world hunger

Discusses the problem of world hunger with examples of children from South and Central America.

Working together against the destruction of the environment

Discusses the environmental movement and the need for co-operation in working against degradation and pollution.

Working together against AIDS

Presents facts about AIDS and HIV, discussing how individuals and society deal with this illness.

Working together against school violence

Examines the problem of violence in schools, its causes, and possible ways for teens to take action.
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