
Topical Term

Encyclopedia of world biography

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide biographical information on two hundred individuals from throughout history who have made significant contributions to human culture and society, each with a bibliography; and includes an index to names and subjects.

Ancient civilizations reference library cumulative index

cumulative indexes for Ancient civilizations almanac, Ancient civilizations biographies

Plays of great achievers

one-act plays about inventors, scientists, statesmen, humanitarians, and explorers
A collection of twenty-three one-act plays about inventors, scientists, statesmen, humanitarians, and explorers, including Marie Curie, Mark Twain, and Clara Barton.

Biography for beginners

sketches for early readers
Contains biographical profiles of eight celebrities, designed especially for readers ages six to nine, providing information about the birth, early life, school, career, home, and family of each featured individual; arranged alphabetically, with photographs and addresses for further research.

100 scientists who shaped world history

Contains brief biographies of one hundred men and women who have made significant impacts upon our understanding of the world around us.

Great lives from history

Contains more than 130 alphabetically arranged essays, from Alvar Aalto to Pierre Boulez, that provide information about the lives and achievements of significant men and women who lived between 1901 and 2000.

100 men who shaped world history

Provides sketches of notable men who have affected the course of history.

World leaders of the twentieth century

Contains alphabetically arranged essays that provide information about 111 of the key global leaders of the twentieth century, providing facts about their early lives and the environments in which they were raised, accounts of the periods in which they made their most significant contributions, and overviews of their places in history.

Who's who in the Middle Ages

Presents alphabetized biographical sketches of significant men and women of the Middle Ages, roughly spanning the years 390-1410, and also includes a chronology of events and lists of popes, emperors, and monarchs; colleges and universities, and their founding dates; major monasteries, abbeys, and convents, and their founders and dates; and individuals listed by occupation or contribution.

Icons of the 20th century

200 men and women who have made a difference
Contains profiles of two hundred men and women who made significant contributions to the history of the twentieth century.


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