Presents an introduction to prehistoric fish, describing their characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, and fossils. Includes a list of further resources, an activity quiz, and glossary.
A survey of the characteristics and natural environment of the earliest, now extinct, mammals which are the ancestors of the modern horses, elephants, cats, dogs, and primates.
Explains how scientists think plant life first came to live on land, looks at what has been learned about prehistoric plants by studying fossils, discusses the work of paleobotanists, and includes descriptions of prehistoric plant groups.
Explains what insects were like in prehistoric times, describing their characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, and fossils. Also includes a further resource list, activity suggestions, a quiz, and a glossary.
Presents an introduction to prehistoric fish, describing their characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, and fossils. Includes a list of further resources, an activity quiz, and glossary.
Describes dinosaurs' characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, and fossils, and discusses paleontology and extinction. Also includes a further resource list, activity, quiz, and glossary.
Explains what birds were like in prehistoric times, describing their characteristics, life cycles, feeding habits, and fossils. Also includes a further resource list, activity, quiz, and glossary.