Healthy kids

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Sleeping well

Explains the importance of sleep to good health, provides suggestions on how to develop a bedtime routine, offers advice on how to sleep through the night, and discusses dreams, sleep walking, and other topics.

Taking care of your body

Contains a collection of ideas, activities, fitness tests, and exercises on taking care of the body and includes information on looking after the skin, eyes, ears, and mouth as well as keeping the body clean.

Healthy eating

Contains a collection of ideas, activities, exercises, and tests on healthy eating and provides information on balanced diets, the basic food groups, starchy foods, and making good food choices.

Keeping fit

Contains a collection of fun ideas and activities, quizzes, and fitness tests to keeping fit and provides lessons on staying flexible and being active, stretching exercises, and firming up muscles.

Illness & injury

Describes various types of illnesses and injuries experienced by children, including colds, flu, breathing problems, allergies, cancer, and others, discusses their causes and treatments, and includes safety tips.

Taking care of your teeth

Contains a collection of ideas, activities, exercises, and quizzes on proper dental care and includes information on brushing and flossing, trips to the dentist, which foods are good or bad, and losing baby teeth.
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