Lifton, Robert Jay

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Surviving our catastrophes

resilience and renewal from Hiroshima to the COVID-19 pandemic
"A powerful rumination on how we can draw on historical examples of "survivor power" to understand the upheaval and death caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and collectively heal"--.

Death in life; survivors of Hiroshima

A wide-ranging study of the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The effect on personal lives, as well as the life of the city is explored.

Death in life; survivors of Hiroshima

A wide-ranging study of the survivors of the atomic bombing of Hiroshima. The effect on personal lives, as well as the life of the city is explored.

Death in life

survivors of Hiroshima

Superpower syndrome

America's apocalyptic confrontation with the world
Psychiatrist Robert Lifton analyzes the Islamic and American visions of a world which competes in a cycle of violence, and calls for restraint in perpetuating them before the world is destroyed.

Hiroshima in America

a half century of denial
Argues that information and debate about President Truman's decision to drop the bomb on Japan have been suppressed.

The Nazi doctors

medical killing and the psychology of genocide

Who owns death?

capital punishment, the American conscience, and the end of executions
Addresses the various issues surrounding capital punishment in the United States, and explores the mind-sets of those directly involved in the death penalty, including prison wardens, prosecutors, jurors, religious figures, governors, judges, and relatives of murder victims.

Hiroshima in America

fifty years of denial
Examines various issues surrounding the dropping of the atomic bomb on Japan, including the ethical and political impact on America, official statements from the U.S. government about the event, and a portrait of Harry Truman who made the decision.
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