Gleason, Katherine

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Ancient world

a chapter book

Masterpieces in 3-d

M. C. Escher and the art of illusion
40 of Escher's most amazing prints and drawings in 3-D. Tessellating figures, impossible structures, strange metamorphoses, and skewed perspectives.

Awesome science

a chapter book
Presents a study of science and discusses topics such as genetics and DNA, genes that cause obesity, and cloning.

Ancient Egyptian culture

Presents works of art from throughout ancient Egypt's history, discussing what they say about Egyptian society and culture during the reigns of the first pharaohs, the age of the pyramids, the New Kingdom, and Greek and Roman rule.

Native American literature

Introduces Native American authors and provides a glimpse into their culture, historical perspective, and world-view.

Ancient world

Introduces four archaeologists and looks at what they are discovering about the ancient world in Egypt, Guatemala, Peru, and Pompeii.

The social lives of animals

a chapter book
Presents true stories of the social behaviors of animals, looking at food sharing among vampire bats, the traffic patterns followed by ants, herring bubbles, and communication between hornbill birds and their monkey neighbors.

Native American culture

Examines the Native American culture of the Eastern tribes, the Plains Indians, and Southwestern, Far Western, and Arctic peoples, and describes their architecture and art, clothing, music, and more.
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