Apte, Sunita

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Learn about one of the world's first civilizations. Learn about ancient empires. Learn about Mesopotamia.

Sir Arthur

A biography about the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle.

The Aztec empire

Provides facts about the ancient Aztec empire, discussing who the Aztecs were, where they lived, the city of Tenochtitla?n, daily life, the Great Temple, and the Spanish invasion. Includes maps, a time line, and photographs.


A brief discussion of the history, religion, daily life, and other facets of India's culture, covering the life and work of Gandhi, the Taj Mahal, Bollywood, and more, with photographs.


Provides facts about ancient Mesopotamia, discussing life in Mesopotamia, the importance of its two rivers, the difference between a city-state and an empire, Mesopotamian writing, and the end of the civilizations. Includes maps, a time line, and photographs.


Learn about one of the world's first civilizations. Learn about ancient empires. Learn about Mesopotamia.

Sir Arthur

A biography about the creator of Sherlock Holmes, Arthur Conan Doyle.

Police horses

Describes the traits and training of police horses, the jobs these horses do, and the relationship between horses and officers.

Ride the whale

a surfer tall tale


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