Dell, Pamela

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An introduction to Thoroughbreds that covers the history of the breed and describes their physical traits, temperament, and unique talents.
Cover image of Thoroughbreds

Ancient Egypt

Introduces the civilization of ancient Egypt, describing its origins, history, government, religion, gods and goddesses, art, architecture, and everyday life.

Understanding social media

Text, infographics, and examples provide an introduction to social media.

Weird wild and wonderful

275 amazing animals from tiny to tall, furry to feathered, creepy to cute
Text and photographs look at both look familiar and unfamiliar animals form around the world.

Show me the continents

my first picture encyclopedia
"Defines through text and photos core terms related to Earth's continents"--Provided by publisher.

Aquila's drinking gourd

a story of the Underground Railroad
In West Virginia in 1859, an eleven-year-old slave is taken from her mother and sold, dreaming of the Underground Railroad her father taught her about, but never imagining that she will board it so soon.

Ancient Egypt

Introduces the civilization of ancient Egypt, describing its origins, history, government, religion, gods and goddesses, art, architecture, and everyday life.

The bald eagle

Photographs and easy-to-follow text introduce young readers to the bald eagle and its significance as the national bird.
Cover image of The bald eagle

Man on the moon

how a photograph made anything seem possible
Explores and analyzes the historical context and significance of Neil Armstron's iconic photograph of Buzz Aldrin on the moon.
Cover image of Man on the moon

Why we laugh

the science of giggles
"Have you ever laughed at something that wasn't funny? Maybe you've laughed at a really serious moment during a movie. Did you wonder why? The answer is in the science of laughter! From laughing uncontrollably in happiness to chuckling inappropriately, middle school is a time when you get ALL. THE. FEELS. But next time you or your friends giggle at the wrong moment or simply can't stop, you'll understand what's really going on in your brains. Plus, you'll learn tips to decode body language and find out about the benefits involved with laughter. All kidding aside, mental health is no joke, so when behaviors and feelings have crossed the line, you'll also learn when it's time to reach out for help"--From the publisher's web site.
Cover image of Why we laugh


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