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Fauja Singh keeps going

the true story of the oldest person to ever run a marathon
"The inspiring true story of Fauja Singh, who broke world records to become the first one hundred-year-old to run a marathon, shares valuable lessons on the source of his grit, determination to overcome obstacles, and commitment to positive representation of the Sikh community"--Provided by the publisher.
Cover image of Fauja Singh keeps going


See how Gandhi--called Mahatma, or "great soul," by his many followers--changed the world through his words and deeds, which still resonate worldwide today.

Seven blind mice

Retells in verse the Indian fable of the blind men discovering different parts of an elephant and arguing about its appearance. The illustrations depict the blind arguers as mice.
Cover image of Seven blind mice

My life in Kenya

Follow a day in the life, from wake-up to bedtime, of a young person from Kenya.
Cover image of My life in Kenya

The weight of heaven

a novel
After Frank and Ellie Benton lose their only son to illness, they accept a job in India where Frank's obsession with a young boy named Ramesh has stark consequences.
Cover image of The weight of heaven

Costume around the world

Examines the history of fashion and clothing in India, discusses the geographical, social, and cultural influences on how people dress, describes both traditional and modern garb, and looks at what men, women, and children are wearing in the early twenty-first century.
Cover image of Costume around the world

A taste of India

Text and accompanying photographs explore the origins of Indian food, a variety of cooking styles, the spices and curries, festivals, and everyday life through delicious recipes and detailed text.
Cover image of A taste of India

Rama and the demon king

an ancient tale from India
An Indian folktale about how Prince Rama rescues his wife from the evil demon king.
Cover image of Rama and the demon king

Mahatma Gandhi

Looks at the life of non-violent social activist Mahatma Gandhi.
Cover image of Mahatma Gandhi

Women in India

Vedic to modern times
Examines the historical, social, and cultural roles of women in India, with an emphasis on Hindu women.
Cover image of Women in India


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