Steele, Philip

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Hail! Ancient Romans

Tells the story of an empire that began on the seven hills of Rome and spread all the way across Europe under the rule of such characters as Tiberius, Augustus, and Julius Caesar, and includes the thrills and spills of chariot races and gladiators in combat, sacrifices to the gods, public bathhouses, and villas, as well as the diary of a Roman slave.
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I wonder why countries fly flags and other questions about people and places

Answers questions about people, places, and things including, "Where do elephants glow in the dark?" and "Where does chocolate grow on trees?".

Extinct Insects

The Middle East

Eyewitness Vote

Be an eyewitness to the exciting history of representative government, and how elections give power to people.

I Wonder Why

Why Countries fly flags and other questions about people and places.

Saving water and energy

An introduction to water and energy conservation that discusses the importance of protecting natural resources, and provides information on recycling and ways to conserve.

Ancient Egyptians

Text and illustrations show what life was like in ancient Egypt, discussing the Nile, gods and goddesses, pyramids, and more.


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