Draws from the fossil record to present a region-by-region exploration of North America as it may have looked near the end of the Ice Age, and features computer-generated images of landscapes and now extinct animals such as the wooly mammoth and giant short-faced bear.
Journey through the prehistoric world of dinosaurs, pterosaurs, ichthyosaurs, and plesiosaurs. Features cutaway illustrations which show the skeletons and internal organs.
The bat's earliest ancestors, "chiropters," face great evolutionary changes, lead by the youngest son of the colony leader, Dusk, who is the only one that has the ability to fly and see during the night using his echo vision.
Describes the dinosaurs and other prehistoric reptiles, examines individual species, and explains how paleontologists made the fossil discoveries leading to our current knowledge.
Describes giant bugs, birds, and mammals that lived long ago and became extinct during the last Ice Age, discusses the extinction of more recent animals, and examines efforts to protect endangered species.
Profiles 120 genera of dinosaurs and other animals that lived in prehistoric times, grouped in three sections covering different periods of the Mesozoic Era. Includes illustrations.
Contains a collection of facts and information on prehistoric beasts, such as wooly mammoths, saber-toothed tigers, and cave bears; including over thirty-five pop-ups as well as descriptions of different species.
Text and illustrations provide young readers with information about the lives of animals that lived on the Earth millions of years ago, and show how scientists learn about the past by studying fossils.