Field trip!

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Nature museum

Introduces a natural history museum, exploring who works there and what they do, different types of exhibits, and other things to do in a museum.


A simple introduction to the purpose and workings of a landfill, describing what happens to garbage after you throw it away.


Introduces a typical farm, exploring different kinds of plants and livestock, machinery, and buildings for housing animals and storing crops.

Grocery store

Introduces a typical grocery store, exploring what its employees do in the different departments out front and behind-the-scenes, and how customers pay for their purchases.

Dairy plant

An introduction to the workings of a dairy plant, from the milking of cows to the bottling of milk and the processing of other milk products.


Students take a field trip to a newspaper to understand how the news is printed and delivered to people's homes. Describes the jobs of reporters and photographers. Explains the printing process, including where paper and ink come from and how the newspaper is folded and distributed.

Apple orchard

Explains what an apple orchard is, how apples grow, how apples are picked, and how apples are turned into cider, in simple text with photographs. Includes a photo glossary.

Fire truck factory

Answers questions about fire trucks, including where fire trucks come from, how they are made, how they work, and who gets to drive them.
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