Zuravicky, Orli

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The galloping book

Pictures and brief captions describe the movements involved in galloping.

Map math

learning about latitude and longitude using coordinate systems
Explains what latitude and longitude are and how they work, showing how to find global address coordinates on maps.

When there were dinosaurs

using expanded notation to represent numbers in the millions
Introduces the concept of expanded notation by providing facts about dinosaurs and the periods in which they walked the earth millions of years ago.

Exploring pyramids around the world

making models of geometric solids
Explains how to make models of geometric solids as a means of understanding the history of pyramids around the world, and their construction.

New York and the New Nation

Uses Primary Source Documents.

Amazing animals

multiplying multidigit numbers by one-digit numbers with regrouping
Gives facts about familiar animals, such as how often a snake sheds its skin and how many pounds a baby blue whale gains in a week, and shows how to use multiplication to determine further information.

The stock market

understanding and applying ratios, decimals, fractions, and percentages
Presents a concise guide to understanding and applying ratios, decimals, fractions, and percentages through a study of the stock market.


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