chinese language

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chinese language


Fascinated by the colors, shapes, sounds, and movements of the many different birds she sees through her window, a little girl is happy to discover that she and they have something in common.
Cover image of Birds

Intro to Chinese

"This title opens the door to the Chinese language. It includes numbers 1 through 20, the alphabet, colors, family, animals, and places words, and common pleasantries"--OCLC.

Learning Chinese

speak, read and write Chinese with manga!
"This book teaches . . . all the basics of the Chinese language, including practical conversations, vocabulary, and how to write the basic characters--with manga comic strips for . . . learning! It enables [one] to begin communicating effectively from the first day. All Chinese words and sentences are given in Chinese characters and hanyu pinyin romanized form for . . . pronunciation, with English translations"--Provided by publisher.

Chineasy everyday

learning Chinese through its culture
" ... teaches more than four hundred ... useful Chinese characters, phrases, and sentences. Organized into eleven themes that reflect daily life..."--Back cover.

Wo cai bu xiang xi zao ne!: The Pigeon Needs A Bath

"The Pigeon is dirty and he needs a bath, but he won't go willingly"--Provided by publisher.

Wo de lao shi shi guai shou!, bu, wo bu shi!: My Teacher Is A Monster!

Bobby thinks his teacher, Ms. Kirby, is horrible, but when he sees her outside of school and they spend a day in the park together, he discovers she might not be so bad after all.

Di yi tian shang xue hao jin zhang: First Day Critter Jitters

"All of the animals are worried about the first day of school. Sloth is a fraid that he won't get there on time. Parrot has a tendency to repeat things, and doesn't want to annoy anyone. Snake can't figure out how to carry a backpack. But when they get to class for the first day, the critters are all surprised to find out that they aren't the only jittery ones, and that it's easier and more fun to face new things when you do it together"--Dust jacket.

Wo bu xiang qu shang xue!: The Pigeon Has to Go to School!

"The pigeon must go to school, but frets about math, learning the alphabet, heavy backpacks, and what the teacher and other birds will think of him"--Provided by publisher.

Ni qian wan bie shang dang a: That Is Not A Good Idea

Illustrations that resemble a silent film tell the story of a plump mama goose who is invited to dinner by a hungry fox while her babies try to warn her that it is a bad idea.

Xia o la bi da ba gong: The Day The Crayons Quit

When Duncan arrives at school one morning, he finds a stack of letters, one from each of his crayons, complaining about how he uses them.


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