
Geographic Name

Pushing the limits

American women, 1940-1961
Presents an examination of the role of women during World War II and in the postwar years, describing the expanding and contracting opportunities for them, while many sought their rightful place as full American citizens.

Reading Japanese signs

deciphering daily life in Japan

Within our reach

breaking the cycle of disadvantage
Describes the social programs for children that have been the most successful over the last two decades.

The mocking of the president

a history of campaign humor from Ike to Ronnie
Study of humor in presidential campaigns from 1952 to 1984 including the humor of the candidates and humor from Art Buchwald, Mort Sahl, Mark Russell, Johnny Carson, Bob Hope, David Steinberg, Paul Conrad, Pat Oliphant, Jeff McNelly, Gary Trudeau, Jules Feiffer, That Was the Week That Was, The Smothers Brothers Comedy Hour, and Saturday Night Live.

The fifty-year wound

how America's Cold War victory shapes our world
Discusses the true cost of America's victory in the Cold War against the Soviet Union, arguing that the U.S. not only expended money on warheads, foreign aid, soldiers, propaganda, and intelligence, it also paid the price in wasted time and talent in industry, science, education, trade, and the loss of public confidence.

Secret of the night ponies

In 1965 Newfoundland, thirteen-year-old Jessie's brave and impulsive nature leads her to commit a variety of daring acts, including rescuing a herd of wild ponies and kidnapping a poor orphan girl who is being mistreated by her guardians. Includes factual information about the history of the Newfoundland pony.

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr

a historical perspective
Explores how Dr. King's ideas, thoughts, and causes evolved in the face of the rapidly changing climate of the civil rights movement.

We live in Sweden

Presents various aspects of life in Sweden through interviews with twenty-six people representing different age groups, occupations, and regions. And includes a section of brief facts about the country and a glossary.

Sixties radicals, then and now

candid conversations with those who shaped the era
A collection of interviews and biographies of eighteen rebels of the 1960s.

American women in the 1960s

changing the future


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