
Topical Term

Living small: Life in a tiny house

Bigger doesn't always mean better. How much living space do you need to be comfortable? Some people aren't sure that "living large" is necessary or even desirable these days. In fact, they think happiness is quite possible in a teeny, tiny house.

Strange rain

It's raining what? Rain and snow aren't the only things that fall from the sky. Throughout history, people have told of "strange rains" filled with frogs, fish, and other creatures. What do scientists think of these strange tales?.

Upcycling: turning garbage into gold

One person's trash is another person's treasure. Imagine a rocking chair made of shiny, smooth coffee grounds or an engine made from used CDs and an old rubber band. Artists and designers around the world are turning to trash for inspiration. Upcycling- turning worthless garbage into valuable objects- is saving the environment, one piece of trash at a time.

Keeping a secret

How to create codes
Code making. Have you ever wanted to be a spy? Follow these simple steps to make- and break- secret codes.

Making art for fish

Underwater surprise. What is a table with a vase and a fruit bowl doing at the bottom of the ocean? And how did it get there in the first place? Artist and ocean-lover Jason deCaires Taylor offers some surprising answers.

Glow in the dark animals

A light in the darkness. Animals have all kinds of tricks to help them stay alive. Some even glow in the dark.

Animals and their tools

Wild tools. What do a chimpanzee, an octopus, a sea otter, and a crow have in common? Like people, they all use tools to survive. Many different animals use tools to get food and stay safe - find out how!.

The Amazing gecko

Sticky secret. The gecko is one of nature's most amazing acrobats. Scientists have figured out the secret to the gecko's clinging power and have some sticky ideas about how to use it.

An Out-of-this-world vacation

Far-out travel plans. Need to relax and take a vacation? You could lie on the beach. You could go for a hike in the mountains. Or you could stay at the most out-of-this-world hotel - in space! The "Hotel in the Heavens," a real space station hotel, may welcome space travelers one day soon.

Super silk

Unraveling the secrets of spider silk. What's stronger than steel, lighter than a feather, and stretchier than a rubber band? It's spider silk! What makes spider silk so amazing? And how can people make use of it? Scientists are working hard to find the answers.


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