arab countries

Geographic Name
arab countries

The Arab world

an illustrated history
Presents a history of the Arab world from the origins of the Arab people in the ancient Near East, to the early twenty-first century, discussing the rise of Islam, society and culture, the Ottoman age, Arab nationalism, and other topics.

The Arab Americans

Examines the experiences of Arab immigrants in the United States, discussing the reasons why they left their country, and their efforts to find jobs, homes, and build new lives. Includes a chronology, immigration figures, a list of famous Arab Americans, and other reference tools.

The Arab-Israeli conflict

Presents a collection of twenty speeches on the Arab-Israeli conflict by a number of noted politicians and world leaders including David Ben-Gurion, Yasser Arafat, Winston Churchill, Dwight Eisenhower, Anwar el-Sadat, Menachem Begin, King Hussein of Jordan, and Ariel Sharon.

The sword of the prophet

a history of the Arab world from the time of Mohammed to the present day
Discusses the history, culture, civilization, and achievements of the Arabs from A.D 570 to the present.

The Arab uprisings

what everyone needs to know

The Arab Spring

Discusses the "Arab Spring", a series of uprisings in Arab countries due to the beginnings of democracy.

The Arab League

Examines the history of the Arab League, a regional organization of Arab States that was set up in 1945 to enable better communication between Arab countries, allowing them to coordinate policies and social programs.

Mullahs, merchants, and militants

the economic collapse of the Arab world
Examines the factors that led to the collapse of the Arab world's economy, tracing one thousand years of Arab history to explain how the empire, which once spread from Asia to Spain, was impacted by social, political, and economic events around the world.

Aladdin and the enchanted lamp

Retells the adventures of Aladdin who, with the help of a genie from a magic lamp, outwits an evil sorcerer and wins the hand of a beautiful princess.

The Arab Spring

Presents articles and essays with opposing viewpoints on matters concerning the Arab Spring of 2010, such as whether or not the U.S. should have intervened in Libya and if the new governments in place of the old ones are really any better.


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