

The amazing book is not on fire

the world of Dan and Phil
YouTube stars Dan Howell and Phil Lester tell the humorous story of growing up, becoming YouTube stars, and give advice to their teen followers.

The courage to compete

living with cerebral palsy and following my dreams
Looks at the life of American beauty pageant contestant Abbey Curran who was the first woman with a disability to compete in the Miss USA Pageant.

Carey Price

"Details the life and career of hockey superstar Carey Price"--Provided by publisher.

Sidney Crosby

"Details the life and career of hockey superstar Sidney Crosby"--Provided by publisher.

Sidney Crosby

NHL MVP and champion
A brief biography of Sidney Crosby, focusing on his career as a high school and professional hockey player.

Separated @ birth

a true love story of twin sisters reunited
Imagine opening Facebook one day and finding a message that says "I think we might be twins." Which is exactly what happened to Samantha Futerman, a then twenty-five-year-old actress who was raised in New Jersey. Adopted from South Korea as an infant, Sam grew up with her parents and two American-born brothers. Until she was contacted by Anais Bordier, who grew up in France, she never imagined she had a sister. As Anais' identical face looked back at her from Facebook, she was stunned. A YouTube video of Samantha was what brought the two together. Anais, too, had been adopted as an infant from South Korea. As they talked, they realized they shared a sense of humor, giddy laughter, expressions, ideals, a need to sleep ten hours a night, and the same birth date. Although they grew up in different countries, they discovered that nothing can disrupt the unbreakable bond between sisters.


Bradley Manning, Wikileaks, and the biggest exposure of official secrets in American history
Examines Private Bradley Manning's involvement in exposing secrets to the whistleblower website WikiLeaks.

Sidney Crosby

Profiles the life and sports career of Canadian hockey professional Sidney Crosby.

Soccer star Lionel Messi

"Read up on Lionel Messi, a soccer star from Argentina, who is considered one of the best soccer players in the world. This sports biography covers everything from the hardships Lionel faced when he was young to how he has become an international superstar with Barcelona!"--Provided by publisher.

Colin Kaepernick

Presents a brief biography of professional football player Colin Kaepernick, who is the quarterback for the San Francisco 49ers.


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