intergroup relations

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intergroup relations

My behavior

"Most kids would agree that they act somewhat differently around just their friends than a group of adults. They know that sitting quietly is a part of being in class and that the playground is a great place to let all their loud voices out! But sometimes it's harder to figure out exactly how to behave in a given situation. This book is a . . . resource for exploring and discussing what is appropriate behavior in different places like home, school, and out in the community"--Provided by publisher.

Meanwhile back on Earth

Merging space travel with a road trip, a father drives all over the solar system at 37mph in order to allow his children to view the conflicts of Earth's history in the rearview mirror. Whether it's only been the 78 years it takes to drive to Venus or the 8,000 it takes to get to Neptune, humans have been fighting each other for small pieces of space on our planet.

Social warming

the dangerous and polarising effects of social media
"An impassioned exploration of the ways in which social media has manipulated us all. Facebook didn't mean to facilitate a genocide. Twitter didn't want to be used to harass women. YouTube never planned to radicalise young men. But with billions of users, these platforms need only tweak their algorithms to generate more 'engagement'. In so doing, they bring unrest to previously settled communities and erode our relationships. Social warming has happened gradually - as a by-product of our preposterously convenient digital existence. But the gradual deterioration of our attitudes and behaviour on- and offline - this vicious cycle of anger and outrage - can be corrected. Here's how"--Publisher's description.

Collective guilt

slavery, the holocaust, and other atrocities
The Holocaust came to an end in 1945, and slavery was abolished in the United States in 1865. Many of the individuals who directly experienced these horrific events are no longer living, but descendants of these victims claim to suffer lasting effects. However, these lingering traces of historical trauma extend even further: descendants of oppressors and perpetrators are often held to be responsible for the atrocities as well. Notions of collective guilt and punishment have been debated from the immediate aftermath of these atrocities to the present, with issues including reparations and admissions of guilt among the contentious topics. This compelling resource tackles this tough topic.

Prejudice in the modern world reference library

Examines the foundations, causes, and types of prejudices as well as specific case studies on prejudice in action in the modern world. Includes information on key activists, politicians, religious leaders, as well as ordinary citizens that have played important roles in cases of prejudice in the world. Uses documents, speeches, letters and other sources to explain events related to prejudice.

Dealing With Differences

Discusses how to treat people who are different than you as well as suggesting strategies for dealing with difficult situations.

Encyclopedia of modern separatist movements

Contains alphabetically arranged entries that provide information on the world's main separatist crusades, organizations, campaigns, political events, and leaders.
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