World explorer

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Latin America

This video contains information about Latin America.

Geography: Tools and Concepts

This video includes Regional Flyover, Impact of Geography, Culture, Making a Living, Daily Life, Regional Field Trip, Case study on Global and Environmental Issues, Special Interest Spotlight - includes Teacher's Guide.


Sir Walter Raleigh

Poet, statesman, soldier, explorer, favorite of a queen-- Raleigh was all of these and more. He dreamed of England as a great New World power, he financed ships to carry settlers to Virginia, and he explored the Guianas. This is a story of a man who lived a colorful life and died a tragic death.

Geography: tools and concepts

Geography the study of Earth's surface and the processes that shape it, the connections between places, and the relationships between people and their environment.
Cover image of Geography:  tools and concepts

The Ancient world

The cities of ancient times bustled with traffic. People shopped at the market, worked, and lived in families, as people do today. Builders, teachers, rulers, and scientists invented objects and systems that we still know and use. The ancient people developed great civilizations. They traveled, traded, conquered, and settled. Who could have known how their beliefs and customs would affect the modern world?.
Cover image of The Ancient world

Latin America

Eastern Hemisphere

Where is South America? What countries are found there? Why are some of the countries large and others small? Asking questions like these can help you gather evidence and gain knowledge.

Asia and the Pacific

Asia and the Pacific islands form a region of extremes, with some of the driest deserts, longest rivers, and highest mountains in the world.


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