21st century

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21st century

The spoken word revolution

(slam, hip hop & the poetry of a new generation)
Text and CD introduce slam and hip-hop poetry.

The Royal Family

Britain's resilient monarchy celebrates Elizabeth II's 60-year reign
In 2012, Queen Elizabeth II will celebrate a historic milestone: 60 years as Britain's Queen and the constitutional monarch of the globe spanning British Commonwealth. Join TIME as we explore the turbulent life and times of Elizabeth and the royal House of Windsor.

Beauty is a verb

the new poetry of disability
Anthology of poetry by American poets with physical disabilities, including Vassar Miller, Larry Eigner, Josephine Miles, Petra Kuppers, Kenny Fries, Jim Ferris, Bernadette Mayer, Rusty Morrison, Cynthia Hogue, and C.S. Giscombe, and discusses a number of disabilities including cerebral palsy, deafness, blindness, multiple sclerosis, and aphasia due to stroke, among others.

Stephenie Meyer

author of the Twilight saga
Biography of American novelist Stephenie Meyer, author of the best-selling Twilight saga.

April 4, 1968

Martin Luther King, Jr.'s death and how it changed America
The author uses the anniversary of the death of famed civil rights leader Martin Luther King to examine how King fought and died for equal rights among all people of color, and how America has changed in the four decades since his death.

And the pursuit of happiness

Photographs, illustrations, and hand-written text by the author chronicle a year of her travels across the United States and her reflections on democracy, beginning with a celebration of Barack Obama's inauguration in Washington, D.C., and including the study of several presidents and political sites.

The great modern poets

Discusses some of the greatest works and poets of the twentieth and twenty-first centuries.


from pen, brush & tongue
A collection of personal stories, poems, and sketches created by young women across America to depict the challenges they face on a daily basis.

Contemporary United States (1968 to the present)

Chronicles seven presidential administrations from Richard M. Nixon to George W. Bush that profiles their early years, political careers, presidency, and legacy.

Weapons of mass destruction and North Korea

Describes the background and context of North Korea's possibility of owning weapons of mass destruction.


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