american forces

Geographic Name
american forces

Revolutionary War soldiers

Describes what life was like during the Revolutionary War, focusing on the experiences of soldiers in both the British and colonial armies, with information about military leaders, uniforms, and duties.

How to be a Revolutionary War soldier

Presents an introduction to the American Revolutionary war, in simple text with illustrations, describing what it would be like to be a soldier in the Continental Army, including information on marching and drilling, setting up camp, digging trenches, standing guard, and more.

Life of a soldier in Washington's army

Discusses the training, organization, diversity, fighting and survival skills, daily routine, diseases, fears, and morale of the first army of the United States.

Yankee Doodle and the Redcoats

soldiering in the Revolutionary War
Contains first-person accounts and commentary that describe various aspects of life for American and British soldiers during the Revolutionary War, and features excerpts from soldiers' diaries and letters home.

How to be a Revolutionary War soldier

Illustrations and text describe life as a soldier in the Continental Army, with information on the duties of a soldier, training, weapons and battle tactics, and battlefield injuries.
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