Amato, Mary

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Snarf attack, underfoodle, and the secret of life

the Riot Brothers tell all
Contains three stories in which brothers and best friends Wilbur and Orville Riot catch a thief, overthrow a king, and find a treasure, and includes rules to some of their made-up games.

Drooling and dangerous

the Riot Brothers return!
Includes three stories about the adventures of the Riot Brothers, plus a section of Riot Brother games.

The naked mole-rat letters

When her father begins a long-distance romance with a Washington, D.C. zookeeper, twelve-year-old Frankie sends fabricated email letters to the zookeeper in an attempt to end the relationship.

The word eater

Lerner Chanse finds a magical worm that eats words. When the word disappears, also that item disappears from the world-forever.

Guitar notes

Tripp, who plays guitar only for himself, and Lyla, a cellist whose talent has already made her famous but not happy, form an unlikely friendship when they are forced to share a practice room at their high school.

Invisible lines

Coming from a poor, single-parent family, seventh-grader Trevor must rely on his intelligence, artistic ability, quick wit, and soccer prowess to win friends at his new Washington, D.C. school, but popular and rich Xander seems determined to cause him trouble.

Invisible lines

Coming from a poor, single-parent family, seventh-grader Trevor must rely on his intelligence, artistic ability, quick wit, and soccer prowess to win friends at his new Washington, D.C. school, but popular and rich Xander seems determined to cause him trouble.

Edgar Allan's official crime investigation notebook

When someone takes a pet goldfish, then other items from Ms. Herschel's classroom, each time leaving a clue in the form of a poem, student Edgar Allan competes with a classmate to be first to solve the mystery.

The naked mole-rat letters

Twelve-year-old Frankie sends fabricated e-mail letters in an attempt to end her widowed father's long-distance romance with a Washington, D.C., zookeeper.


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