Trueit, Trudi Strain

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The tiger's nest

a novel
"On an island nation in the Indian Ocean, the explorers venture through a vast underwater world and take part in a friendly robotics competition. But the tides of good fortune change quickly. Suddenly, Team Cousteau jumps into action to rescue a faculty member from the brink of death. Meanwhile, the team follows the Cruz's mother's clues to a magnificent tomb and center of spirituality precariously perched on the side of a cliff. There, Cruz is confronted by a familiar foe who's determined to stop him from completing his most important mission of all: Retrieving the final pieces of his mother's cipher. In this life-or-death showdown, Cruz witnesses the ultimate sacrifice and uncovers a hidden message that makes him question his own mortality"--Publisher.
Cover image of The tiger's nest

The dragon's blood

"Still reeling from the life-changing discovery he found buried in the mysterious archive, Cruz Coronado grapples with an important secret as the gang heads to China in search of the second-to-last piece of the cipher. Under the watchful eye of a new adviser, life on the ship returns to almost normal . . . Almost. Just as things seem to be going smoothly, a familiar face shocks Cruz back into reality, and the final piece in this life-and-death scavenger hunt veers toward a dead end"--Publisher.

Scab for treasurer?

Scab McNally dares to go up against teacher's pet Missy Malone for class president, but when it begins to appear he is going to lose, Scab knows he must come up with an amazing stunt to put him back in the running.

The falcon's feather

"Cruz Coronado sets sail for the shores of Iceland and Norway aboard the Explorer Academy ship to continue his studies at sea. But, things take a turn while exploring the icy north, when he embarks on a dangerous mission to uncover the first piece of an important puzzle his mother left behind"--Provided by publisher.

The star dunes

a novel
"Cruz, Sailor, Emmett, and the gang are on their way to Africa when Nebula misses their intended target and someone close to Cruz ends up on the brink of death. Secrets creep out from the shadows and leave Cruz with more questions than answers"


A rebus reader about different types of jellyfish, featuring photographs and a picture key.

Sea horses

Simple text and rebuses introduce readers to sea horses.

The nebula secret

Twelve-year-old Cruz Coronado leaves his home in Hawaii to study and travel with other young people invited to attend the elite Explorer Academy in Washington, D.C.

Julep O'Toole

confessions of a middle child
Eleven-year-old Julep feels invisible. At home, sandwiched between perfect older sister, Harmony, and obnoxious younger brother, Cooper, she is only noticed when her parents want something from her--such as when they want her to trade her nice, uncarpeted bedroom for asthmatic Cooper's disgusting one (aka the Chicken Coop), with its dirty carpet and "snot green" walls. At school, Julep gets attention, but not the kind she wants: her journal is read over the loudspeaker and she barfs in gym. Her priorities and her sense of self-worth, however, take a dramatic turn when her parents are away and she must take charge when her brother has a severe asthma attack.
Cover image of Julep O'Toole


Describes the origin and traditions of the U.S. Thanksgiving Day, as well as thanksgiving celebrations in other cultures around the world.
Cover image of Thanksgiving


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