Explores the lives of African Bushmen of the Kalahari, who make good livings by working only as much as they need to in order to exist in tune with their desert environment, and have done so consistently as a civilization for a longer period of time than any other civilization. Discusses how these Bushmen have gotten along when they encounter modern technology and civilization, and explores the possibility that modern civilization could learn from the Bushmen.
In the southern Kalahari area of Botswana, three Bushmen are found standing around a ranger who is dying from a severe head wound and Detective David "Kubu" Bengu must figure out, with the help of an old school friend, if the Bushmen were there to help or were the murderers.
Describes the history, culture, modern and traditional economies, religion, family life, and language of southern Africa's San people, as well as the region in which they live and their struggle to maintain cultural traditions in a modern world.
Chronicles the history and culture of the Bushmen that live in the Kalahari Desert in Africa; includes the legends and poems of the culture that have been passed down throughout history.
Be, a young Bushman woman searching in the desert for the peace she remembers from her childhood, realizes that she and her people must reconcile new personal and political realities with ancient traditions.