Postman, Neil

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How to watch TV news

Discusses how people should prepare for watching television news by reading newspapers, magazines, and books to get the complete background of a situation and not rely totally on the influence of television to form opinions.

Crazy talk, stupid talk

how we defeat ourselves by the way we talk and what to do about it

Building a bridge to the 18th century

how the past can improve our future
Attempts to show how some of the ideas of the eighteenth century may be useful to society as it enters the twenty-first century, arguing that the 1700s marked the beginnings of much that is worthwhile about the modern world.

Amusing ourselves to death

public discourse in the age of show business
Examines the effects of television on American society, arguing that media messages, which were generally coherent, serious, and rational when in print, have become shriveled and absurd due to the medium of television.


the surrender of culture to technology
Examines the historical and social reasons why the author believes America may be in danger of becoming what he calls a "technopoly," a system in which technology has taken control of every aspect of life.

The end of education

redefining the value of school
Discusses the need to return to an educational system that focuses on creating a unified culture, rather than continuing the current trend toward consumership and separatism.


the surrender of culture to technology
Examination of historical and social reasons why America might be in danger of becoming a "technopoly.".


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